Friday, 3 July 2015

10 Spring Framework Interview Questions for Experienced Java Programmers

Spring framework is very popular in Java world for doing application development. It provides dependency injection and inversion of control and also provides several API like JdbcTemplate, JmsTemplate to make developer's work easier while working with JDK core libraries.

Since Spring is very important in application development world, its also quite popular among interviewers. You will see lot of questions from Spring framework in both Java and JEE interviews. Its even more important in web and enterprise development world due to Spring MVC framework but we will see it later.

In this post, I am going to share you some of the frequently asked Spring framework questions from Java interviews. These are from my own experience, given I have attended so many interviews in last 7 years of my careers :) .

I am not providing answers for these questions because its mostly for preparation purpose, if I do then when I use it to refresh my knowledge I won't be able to use it as practice test. Hopefully, I will write another post answering Spring questions from this article.

Spring Framework Interview Questions for Experienced Java developers

  1. What is Spring framework? Why do you use it?
  2. What is dependency injection?
  3. What is Inversion of Control?
  4. What is difference between dependency injection and inversion of control?
  5. What is difference between spring IOC and factory design pattern?
  6. What is spring bean?
  7. What are different scopes a Spring bean can be?
  8. Does spring bean in Singleton scope are thread-safe?
  9. What is auto wiring?
  10. Does Spring beans are garbage collected in JVM?
  11. Which one is better configuring your application using XML, or Annotations?
  12. What are different types of depdency injection supported by Spring?
  13. What is difference between Constructor and Setter injection?
  14. What is alternative of Spring for core Java application?
  15. How does JdbcTemplate class helps you?
  16. How does JmsTemplate class helps you?
  17. What is the current version of Spring framework? Which version have you worked before?
  18. What are the new features introduced in Spring 4.0 version?
  19. Which books you have read about Spring framework?
  20. If you have to change one thing in Spring framework, what do you change?

These Spring interview questions are mostly for Java and JEE developer position for projects which uses both Spring and Hibernate. Some of them are asked in consultancy companies like Capegemini, Tech Mahindra and others are different small companies. Some of them are also collected from internet during my preparation for these interviews. If anyone wants to answer them, go ahead and post answers as comments and I will give you credit :)

All the best for your Java interviews. Don't forget to prepare some Spring Framework Interview questions if your Job description mentioned about Spring and Hibernate.

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